Invasive Plant Pull - Volunteer Opportunity (Date TBD)
Invasive Plant Pull - Volunteer Opportunity
Plants introduced by human activities to areas where they do not naturally occur are termed "non-native" species. When a non-native plant escapes from where it was planted and invades native plant communities, it is termed "invasive." Invasive non-native plants displace native plants and can reduce the ability of the plant community to support native fish and wildlife, protect the soil, and filter pollutants from soil and water. Black Swallow Wort, Garlic Mustard and Porcelain Berry (shown above) are three invasive non-native plants that have spread along the shores of Crystal Lake. The plant pull will be a joint effort between the Newton Conservators and Crystal Lake Conservancy. To learn more about invasive plants, visit the Newton Conservators "Invasive Plants" Webpage" OR Fill out this form and we will contact you. |