Acalypha virginica | three-seeded Mercury | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Aegopodium podagraria | goutweed | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Alliaria petiolata AVOID | garlic-mustard | I-MI, Europe | 6/16/06 |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. artemisiifolia | ragweed | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Aster sp, | aster | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Campanula rapunculoides | creeping bellfower | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Chenopodium album var. album | Lamb's quarters, pigweed | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Convallaria majalis | Lily-of-the-Valley | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Conyza canadensis var, canadensis = Erigeron | horseweed | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Erigeron annuus | daisy fleabane | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Fallopia japonica (Polygonum cuspidatum) AVOID | Japanese knotweed | I-MI | 6/16/06 |
Hemerocallis fulva | orange day-lily | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Hieracium kalmii = canadense | Canada hawkweed | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Hieracium paniculatum | panicled hawkweed | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Hosta undulata | hosta (variegated) | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Hypericum perforatum | common St. John's-wort | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Impatiens sp. | jewelweed | N-MI | 6/16/06 |
Iris pseudocorus AVOID | yellow iris, water-flag | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Iris sibirica | Siberian iris | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Lepidium virginicum | Poor-man's pepper, wild peppergrass | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Lobelia inflata | Indian tobacco | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Lycopus uniflorus | Northern, common, tuberous horehound | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Lythrum salicaria AVOID | purple loosestrife | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Mentha sp. | mint | 6/16/06 | |
Nuphar sp. | white water lily | 6/16/06 | |
Oenothera sp. | evening primrose | 8/7/07 | |
Oxalis stricta = europaea | common yellow wood-sorrel | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Persicaria maculosa = Polygonum persicaria | lady's thumb, heart's ease | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Phytolacca americana | pokeweed | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Salvia sp. | Russian sage | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Solanum nigrum | European black nightshade | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Solidago speciosa | showy goldenrod | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Taraxacum officinale | dandelion | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Tradescantia sp. | spiderwort | 8/7/07 | |
Trifolium repens | white clover | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Verbascum thapsus | common mullein | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Viola sp. | violet | 8/7/07 | |
Typha latifolia | common cat-tail | N-MI | 1/2/07 |
FERNS: | |||
Athyrium filix-femina | northern lady-fern | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Dennstaedtia punctilobula | hay-scented fern | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Onoclea sensibilis | sensitive fern | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Osmunda cinnamomea | cinnamon fern | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Coriolus versicolor | turkeytail fungus | 1/2/07 |
TREES: | |||
Acer negundo | box-elder | I?-MI | 1/2/07 |
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' | Japanese maple | I-MI, Japan | 8/7/07 |
Acer platanoides AVOID | Norway maple | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Acer rubrum var. rubrum | red maple | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Betula papyrifera | paper- or canoe-birch | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Betula populifolia | gray birch | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Cornus florida | flowering dogwood | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Cornus kousa | Kousa dogwood | I-MI, Japan | 8/7/07 |
Malus sp. | crab apple | I-MI | 3/25/08 |
Prunus serotina | black cherry | N-MI | 1/2/07 |
Quercus alba | white oak | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Quercus rubra var. rubra | red oak | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Quercus velutina | black oak | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Salix sp. | willow | 3/25/08 | |
Tilia americana | American basswood | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Ulmus americana | American elm | N-MI | 1/2/07 |
Pinus strobus | white pine | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Taxus sp. | yew | 3/25/08 | |
Thuja occidentalis | arbor vitae | I-MI | 3/25/08 |
Tsuga canadensis | eastern hemlock | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
SHRUBS | |||
Aralia spinosa | hercules' club, Devil's walking stick | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Berberis thunbergii AVOID | Japanese barberry | I-MI,Japan | 1/2/07 |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | buttonbush | N-MI | 1/2/07 |
Clethra alnifolia | sweet pepperbush | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Cornus amomum ssp. amomum | silky dogwood | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Euonymous alata AVOID | burning bush | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Forsythia sp. | forsythia | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Ilex sp. | holly | 8/7/07 | |
Ligustrum vulgare AVOID | common privet | I-MI | 3/25/08 |
Rhamnus cathartica AVOID | common buckthorn | I-MI | 1/2/07 |
Rhododendron sp. | 8/7/07 | ||
Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus | red raspberry | N-MI | 3/25/08 |
Spiraea sp. | spiraea | 8/7/07 | |
VINES: | |||
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata AVOID | porcelain-berry | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Celastrus orbiculatus AVOID | Oriental bittersweet | I-MI,Japan | 8/7/07 |
Celastrus scandens | American bittersweet, waxwork | N-MI | 6/16/06 |
Euonymous fortunei var, radicans | wintercreeper | I-MI | 8/7/07 |
Hedera helix | English or European ivy | I-MA | 8/7/07 |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia creeper | N-MI | 8/7/07 |
Solanum dulcamara AVOID | bittersweet nightshade | I-MI | 1/2/07 |
Vitis sp, | ? Concord grape | 8/7/07 | |
Wisteria floribunda | Japanese wisteria | I-MI, Japan | 8/7/07 |
darning needle dragonfly | 6/16/06 | ||
Vespula maculifrons | Eastern jellow jacket | 8/7/07 | |
Danaus plexippus | monarch | 8/7/07 | |
FROGS: | |||
frogs | 6/16/06 | ||
tadpoles | 6/16/06 | ||
TURTLES: | |||
turtle | 6/16/06 | ||
MAMMALS: | |||
Sylvilagus floridanus | Eastern cotontail rabbit | 8/7/07 | |
BIRDS: | |||
Icterus galbula | Baltimore oriole | 6/16/06 | |
Ceryle alcyon | belted kingfisher | 1/2/07 | |
Bucephala albeola | bufflehead | 1/2/07 | |
Branta canadensis | Canada goose | 1/2/07 | |
Lophodytes cucullatus | hooded merganser | 1/2/07 | |
Passer domesticus | house sparrow | 6/16/06 | |
Anas platyrhynchos | mallard | 1/2/07 | |
Cygnus olor | mute swan | 1/2/07 | |
Mimus polyglottus | Northern mockingbird | 1/2/07 | |
Buteo jamaicensis | red-tailed hawk | 1/2/07 | |
Agelaius phoeniceus | red-winged blackbird | 6/16/06 | |
Larus delawarensis | ring-billed gull | 1/2/07 | |
Sitta carolinensis | white-breasted nuthatch | 1/2/2007 |
* NOTE: Many thanks to Beth Schroeder and the Newton Conservators Land Management committee for compiling this information

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