Webmaster and Email Administrator Needed!
The CLC is in need of a volunteer who would like to participate in the stewardship of Crystal Lake by helping the organization effectively communicate to the public. Person would be supervised by the board Co-Presidents. Individual will managed all website content and has full design control. Website responsibilities include:
- maintenance of the home page to ensure content is current and relevant
- posting of content and notices for upcoming events
- ensuring content is “web friendly”; archiving of older information
- utilization of design and layout skills and hyperlinks as needed
- maintenance of the domain registration.
Email administration includes:
- utilizing Vertical Response for membership and interested citizens
- maintenance of email lists and managing email blasts and communication.
A minimal understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is preferred since emails are displayed in browser format.
If you are willing to contribute your skills, please contact Co-President Janice Bourque (617-967-0797).